Sebagai makhluk yang beragama tetunya kita mengakui adanya Tuhan,
Namun setiap manusia berbeda-beda dalam pengakuannya,
ada yang mengakui bahwa Tuhan itu adalah : Dewa Pencipta, Dewa Perusak dan Dewa Pemelihara adapula yang mengakui dan meyakini Tuhan itu tiga tunggal, Tuhan Bapak, Tuhan Anak dan Roh Kudus, dan banyak lagi pengakuan-pengakuan dan keimanan lain yang berbeda-beda. dan semuanya menganggap dirinya yang paling benar diantara yang lainya.
Namun suatu hal yang perlu kita renungkan bersama, bahwa secara umum kebenaran itu tergantung siapa yang menilai ; ada kebenaran menurut kita, artinya menurut kita itu yang paling benar, ada kebenaran menurut saya (menurut saya itu yang paling benar), ada kebenaran menurut banyak orang (mereka menganggap bahwa itu yang paling benar) artinya kebenaran secara umum pada dasarnya relatif, tergantung bagaimana dan dari sudut pandang yang mana kebenaran itu dilihat.
Menurut pengalam yang saya dapat dari guru saya bahwa kebenaran hakiki adalah kebenaran yang menurut tuhan itu Benar,
Walaupun seluruh manusia di jagad raya ini mengatakan salah tetapi jika tuhan mengatakn benar maka itulah yang sebenarnya kebenaran itu (Kebenaran Mutlak)
Mungkin perlu kita cermati juga bahwa keyakinan seseorang itu dilandasi dari cara ia menemukan suatu kejadian, sehingga keyakinan yang tercipta itu bermacam-macam antara lain :
1. Keyakinan yang timbul dari prasangka : Kita belum menemukan bukti secara akal namun kita yakin kebenaran suatu hal.
2. Keyakinan yang diawali dari pendapat banyak orang tetapi kita belum menemukan bukti dari keyakinan tersebut dan kita yakini bahwa itu benar.
3. Keraguan, apabila kita meyakini dua hal yang imabng dalam derajat keyakinannya namun kita belum menemukan bukti-bukti dari keyakinan keduanya.
4. Yakin yaitu suatu hal yang kita percayai kebenaranya dari penemuan bukti-bukti nyata.
dari keempat poin di atas bahwa poin keempatlah yang disebut Iman (yakin/Keyakinan) yang hakiki.
poin petama tidak termasuk kriteria yakin sebab hanya berdasar prasangka.
poin kedua juga tidak termasuk yakin sebab hanya berdasar pendapat banyak orang saja dan kita belum menemukan bukti dari keyakinan tersebut.
Kebenaran adalah suatu ilmu yang pasti. tidak ada setengah benar setengah salah atau agak benar atau agak salah.
dalam kehidupan manusia hanya ada dua kriteria yaitu benar dan salah, jika tidak benar maka salah dan jika tidak salah maka benar. hanya ada dua pilihan benar dan salah.
Begitu juga keyakinan terhadap adanya tuhan, dari banyaknya pengakuan dan keyakinan terhadap tuhan ini pasti hanya ada satu yang benar dan yang lain salah.
seperti halnya jika dalam rumus matematika kita tentu mengenal bahwa bila 2 ditambah 2 maka hasilnya adalah 4, yang meyakini 2+2 adalah 4 itulah yang hakikatnya benar, walaupun semua orang di dunia ini mengakui dan memaksa untuk meyakini dan mengatakan 2+2 adalah 5, keyakinan atas kebenaran 2+2=4 itulah yang paling benar dan yang lain salah.
Dari uraian diatas maka akan timbul pertanyaan siap tuhan yang sebenarnya ?
Perlu kita ketahui yang disebut tuhan adalah " Dzat yang tidak butuh kepada yang lain selain dirinya dan dibutuhkan dzat lain selain dzatnya" maka dia itu tuhan.
Rabu, 26 Oktober 2011
Jumat, 21 Oktober 2011
God and the created
Kholik is the creator of God and the creature is created.
who is seeking God?
Yes definitely a creature, How to look for it?
By getting to know Him.
God is: Essence of nature.
That Essence is no need to another and required by the One other than himself.
With what we know god berikuat I demonstrated several senses: to know the sweet then used was the tongue, to know the red-black and so we use the eyes, to find out the hard and soft sounds we use the ears as well as between the senses and the other one does not can serve if not to detect something that is not work: the eye can not get to see sense and sound and so forth.
To know God we must use our intellect as a tool to detect it.
Before we go any further we also need to know the workings of common sense and the results of the work.
Intellect is a spiritual light. To gain entrance into the process of sense sometimes we must also use the five senses.
Returning to work and the work of reason:
Working to find a reasonable conclusion that the conclusion is called the law of reason.
Common law (conclusions will be undertaken of the ideas of reason) there are three kinds:
1. Have to (Compulsory)
2. impossible
4. possible
English Edition
who is seeking God?
Yes definitely a creature, How to look for it?
By getting to know Him.
God is: Essence of nature.
That Essence is no need to another and required by the One other than himself.
With what we know god berikuat I demonstrated several senses: to know the sweet then used was the tongue, to know the red-black and so we use the eyes, to find out the hard and soft sounds we use the ears as well as between the senses and the other one does not can serve if not to detect something that is not work: the eye can not get to see sense and sound and so forth.
To know God we must use our intellect as a tool to detect it.
Before we go any further we also need to know the workings of common sense and the results of the work.
Intellect is a spiritual light. To gain entrance into the process of sense sometimes we must also use the five senses.
Returning to work and the work of reason:
Working to find a reasonable conclusion that the conclusion is called the law of reason.
Common law (conclusions will be undertaken of the ideas of reason) there are three kinds:
1. Have to (Compulsory)
2. impossible
4. possible
English Edition
Nature is the Essence of What's New
Universe (Nature and contents) is from none to be there (there was initially) or often called new. New in this term is something that stems from its absence, because there are substances that originated from there and then concludes with Hence there is also always there and never did not exist. Essence Mak in this context is mentioned first because it starts from the new no.
The whole nature of the universe is filled by Essence-Essence which has properties starting with nothing. Because all of Essence you have in this world if we are careful have same properties, namely: occupy space / dimension. Who occupy the space about the size of the Essence itself, then having one of the properties of motion and rest, if not move he'll settle down and so on. The next properties of all the inhabitants of the same nature is composed of particles (the smallest reply reply compile Essence), also has properties berarag and also hit another direction of the Essence. As well as having day / time / period. All that we know of nature proved to have the same properties. So one of the smallest parts in the form of particles can represent the whole of nature to know the essence of this nature
The whole nature of the universe is filled by Essence-Essence which has properties starting with nothing. Because all of Essence you have in this world if we are careful have same properties, namely: occupy space / dimension. Who occupy the space about the size of the Essence itself, then having one of the properties of motion and rest, if not move he'll settle down and so on. The next properties of all the inhabitants of the same nature is composed of particles (the smallest reply reply compile Essence), also has properties berarag and also hit another direction of the Essence. As well as having day / time / period. All that we know of nature proved to have the same properties. So one of the smallest parts in the form of particles can represent the whole of nature to know the essence of this nature
A Karl Marx says that God is the result of human thought. God is just a fabrication of thought about the dream of being how should a man, who could not be achieved in the real world. God is the being of existence [...]"
I do not know a lot of neighbor Karl Marx, who clearly was the opinion of Karl Marx; Opinion was certainly the result of the discovery of karl marx's thinks.
It is clear that every person who thinks with thikings and from the point of view and experience that underlies berfikirnya groove. Thought someone radix (free) wherever he wants to think. But all religions have restrictions that limit or think someone because of the limitations of our intellect.
The God.
God is the One who does not need to another Essence and Essence required by other than himself.
All of the Essence in the nature of this mutual relation to one another means that everything is still within the scope of nature are not gods, because the concept of God does not need it to others and needed by others.
So the conclusion is not the god of nature, nature is not a god.
Because nature was new, there is the beginning, everything new is definitely undergo change, willing or not willing to change it from there then there is the question to be preceded by anything that does not exist if it can be created by itself.
The answer is not possible because, everything that creates something should definitely be there, alive, able, and willing how can something that is not there then he could create something of our reason will not be able to receive and the nature of this new tetu will not creating himself so he must have been created by other than natural Essence Essence is called god.
"God may not be as natural as nature's nature changed"
I do not know a lot of neighbor Karl Marx, who clearly was the opinion of Karl Marx; Opinion was certainly the result of the discovery of karl marx's thinks.
It is clear that every person who thinks with thikings and from the point of view and experience that underlies berfikirnya groove. Thought someone radix (free) wherever he wants to think. But all religions have restrictions that limit or think someone because of the limitations of our intellect.
The God.
God is the One who does not need to another Essence and Essence required by other than himself.
All of the Essence in the nature of this mutual relation to one another means that everything is still within the scope of nature are not gods, because the concept of God does not need it to others and needed by others.
So the conclusion is not the god of nature, nature is not a god.
Because nature was new, there is the beginning, everything new is definitely undergo change, willing or not willing to change it from there then there is the question to be preceded by anything that does not exist if it can be created by itself.
The answer is not possible because, everything that creates something should definitely be there, alive, able, and willing how can something that is not there then he could create something of our reason will not be able to receive and the nature of this new tetu will not creating himself so he must have been created by other than natural Essence Essence is called god.
"God may not be as natural as nature's nature changed"
Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011
Wahai Nabi, semoga keselamatan tetap untukmu
Wahai Rasul, semoga keselamatan tetap untukmu
Wahai kekasih, semoga keselamatan tetap untukmu.
juga rahmat Allah semoga tetap tercurah untukmu
Telah terbit bulan purnama menyinari kami.
Maka suramlah karenanya gurnama-purnama lain.
Tiadalah pernah kami melihat perumpamaan kebagusanmu.
Hanyalah engkau saja, wahai wajah yang berseri-seri.
engkaulah matahari, engkaulah purnama.
engkaulah cahaya di atas segala cahaya.
engkaulah emas murni dan yang sangat mahal.
engkaulah pelita penerang daIam dada.
Wahai kekasihku, wahai Muhammad.
Wahai mempelai belahan benua timur dan barat.
Wahai yang dikokohkan, wahai yang dimuliakan.
Wahai yang menjadi imam di dua kiblat.
Siapa saja yang memandang wajahmu akan berbahagia.
Wahai yang mulia kedua orang tuanya.
Telagamu yang jernih dan menyejukkan.
Kami datangi di hari kiamat kelak.
Tak pernah kami lihat seekor unta merindukan,
Berjalan menuju selain kepadamu.
Awan berarak-arakan benar-benar menaungimu.
Para malaikat bershalawat untukmu,
Pohon kayu datang menangis kepadamu
Tunduk bersimpuh di hadapanmu
Mohon selamat,wahai kekasihku.
Ke hadapanmu kijang berlari.
Di waktu kafilah berkemas membawa beban.
Mereka memanggilmu untuk berangkat.
Aku datangi mereka dengan air mata bercucuran.
Aku katakan, tunggulah aku, wahai petunjuk jalan.
Tolong bawakan surat-suratku,
Wahai Nabi yang sangat merindukun.
Ke tempat nan jauh di sana,
Pada petang dan pagi hari.
Benar-benar berbahagialah hamba yang memperoleh kesenangan.
Hilang darinya segala kesusahan
padamu wahai purnama terang.
Padamu sifat-sifat yang indah.
Tak seorang pun melebihi kesucianmu…
Sama sekali, wahai Nabi eyangnya sayyid Husain.
Dan kepadamu curahan rahmat Allah.
Kekal selamanya sepanjang masa.
Wahai Rasul, semoga keselamatan tetap untukmu
Wahai kekasih, semoga keselamatan tetap untukmu.
juga rahmat Allah semoga tetap tercurah untukmu
Telah terbit bulan purnama menyinari kami.
Maka suramlah karenanya gurnama-purnama lain.
Tiadalah pernah kami melihat perumpamaan kebagusanmu.
Hanyalah engkau saja, wahai wajah yang berseri-seri.
engkaulah matahari, engkaulah purnama.
engkaulah cahaya di atas segala cahaya.
engkaulah emas murni dan yang sangat mahal.
engkaulah pelita penerang daIam dada.
Wahai kekasihku, wahai Muhammad.
Wahai mempelai belahan benua timur dan barat.
Wahai yang dikokohkan, wahai yang dimuliakan.
Wahai yang menjadi imam di dua kiblat.
Siapa saja yang memandang wajahmu akan berbahagia.
Wahai yang mulia kedua orang tuanya.
Telagamu yang jernih dan menyejukkan.
Kami datangi di hari kiamat kelak.
Tak pernah kami lihat seekor unta merindukan,
Berjalan menuju selain kepadamu.
Awan berarak-arakan benar-benar menaungimu.
Para malaikat bershalawat untukmu,
Pohon kayu datang menangis kepadamu
Tunduk bersimpuh di hadapanmu
Mohon selamat,wahai kekasihku.
Ke hadapanmu kijang berlari.
Di waktu kafilah berkemas membawa beban.
Mereka memanggilmu untuk berangkat.
Aku datangi mereka dengan air mata bercucuran.
Aku katakan, tunggulah aku, wahai petunjuk jalan.
Tolong bawakan surat-suratku,
Wahai Nabi yang sangat merindukun.
Ke tempat nan jauh di sana,
Pada petang dan pagi hari.
Benar-benar berbahagialah hamba yang memperoleh kesenangan.
Hilang darinya segala kesusahan
padamu wahai purnama terang.
Padamu sifat-sifat yang indah.
Tak seorang pun melebihi kesucianmu…
Sama sekali, wahai Nabi eyangnya sayyid Husain.
Dan kepadamu curahan rahmat Allah.
Kekal selamanya sepanjang masa.
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